Perfect Places: The Stories
Part 1:
While locations can be defined through addresses or in relation to a landmark of some sort, a sense of place is far more difficult to quantify. The more I think about it, the more I realize just how much my sense of place hinges on the people I surround myself with and the memories I share with them. For this reason, I have been making an effort to take more pictures of my friends, not doing anything particular or out of the ordinary, but simply living our lives in this great place. These “little moments,” as I have begun to refer to them, are many times overlooked because we yearn for momentous occasions. Despite this, realizing that the little ones can be just as meaningful and sweet is something I have been working towards. With that in mind, these are some of my favorite images from the semester thus far.

October 6, 2017
Part 2:
Grateful for many things, but this Thanksgiving, I am especially thankful for the people that have allowed for these “perfect places” to become home to me.
I have begun to understand that “home” is not bound by time nor is it bound by a specific place; it doesn’t need to be physical, it doesn’t need to be tangible. Home is a feeling, it is a sense of belonging.
From my parents and brothers that are always there for me, to the extended family that always makes me feel so loved, to my friends that make life all the better, and onto the strangers that have unknowingly redirected the trajectory of my life... thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for helping me come to this realization.

November 23, 2017
Part 3:
This semester, I put a lot of my energy into figuring out where I belonged. I think everyone thinks about this subconsciously because we all gravitate to those places or situations. Despite that, I have had a more intense desire for understanding. About halfway through the semester, I began this series so I could recount memories from the times where I experienced this feeling of belonging – I never wanted to forget them.
Photography has been central to this experience. I have always been a personal artist, but after taking a photojournalism course that forced me outside of the parameters of my practice, I realized that these feelings are the essence of my work.
So here we are, the end of another semester, and as many people know, “leaving,” even if it’s only for a month, has always been a bit difficult for me. To bring things together, I want to conclude this first stage of the series in a bit of a different way. While my previous posts were odes to certain individuals, this post pays homage to actual physical locations that remind me of those people because, through them, these locations have become so-called “perfect places.”
Here I share the first picture that was taken of me this semester and some shots from in between at Kenan, Smoothball, UNC, Surf City, Maple View, Rosemary Street, and a random pasture. Thank you for the memories Fall ’17, it has been better than I could have ever asked for.

December 20, 2017
Part 4:
The legendary snow day.

January 17, 2018
Part 5:
Spring truly is the best time of the year, yet it goes by in a whirlwind. From long weekends spent with friends, to anticipating warmer weather, to planning spring break, there has always been something to look forward to. For this exact reason, I've found myself living moment by moment, without any regard for what's to come or any pause about what's already happened. I figured it's time to reflect a bit because it's been a hectic semester.
The most important thing I hoped to get out of my spring break this year was recharging and doing something a bit wild. I wanted to go somewhere new, explore, and make this break from school my own. With the help of some incredible people, I had that immense pleasure. From getting lost in Joshua Tree National Park, to exploring around San Diego, to discovering secluded beaches in Dana Point, it was everything I hoped it would be. This break gave me the perfect amount of time to come back to myself and prepare for the final stretch of the year.

March 17, 2018
Part 6:
With each installation of this project, I have come to understand more deeply what "perfect places" actually are. I would have never imagined that I could so easily combine my interest in landscapes, with the love I have for my friends. If nothing else, the last two weekends have confirmed that my notion of "place" is undoubtedly rooted in an uninhibited joy that is meant to be shared with others.

April 9, 2018
Part 7:
An ode to year 2.
May 14, 2018
Part 8:
All I have to say is that junior year has been incredible thus far – life in Chapel Hill is better than ever. And so, to get this going, here are some of the people that have made this fun possible. Huge love always.
September 29, 2018
Part 9:
Over the past month or so, I have been looking through all the pictures on my hard drives and camera roll. Sifting through about ten thousand images took a long while, but it was an incredibly cathartic exercise.
This Thanksgiving, I am grateful for the moments that taught me the importance of spontaneity, vigor, and passion. I’ve created some of the most vivid memories over the past four years, and I have recently begun to understand how powerful living for each experience is — not planning too far in advance and not thinking too deeply about the past.
So thank you all – friends and family near and far – for allowing me to grow alongside you.

November 22, 2018